1646 - Thomas Hollinshead to his brother-in-law, Mr Stanley, 23 September 1705
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![Image #1 of letter: Thomas Hollinshead to his brother-in-law, Mr Stanley, 23 September 1705](/media/researchdata/letters/D231_M_B_8_1_71_vdhzTSq.jpg)
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![Image #2 of letter: Thomas Hollinshead to his brother-in-law, Mr Stanley, 23 September 1705](/media/researchdata/letters/D231_M_B_8_1_72.jpg)
We have been not a little
to my FatE. of ye misfortune wch. happened to you in yE ancle, but as she
wrote then yt it was mending so I hope before this it is perfectly well; I had
not written at this time, hoping to see you at ye Parke in a week or ten days
but to give notice of yE Mault wch. will be at Congleton on Munday next &
[new page]
will be left at Robert Newton’s ‘tis ready ground & I will seale it before
it goes, ye price is to be 1£. S. . 6d. wch. ye Carrier tells me is cheaper then
he could afford it were it not for ye ready Mony, he sais ‘tis as good as ever
he carried My FatE. gives his service to you & Blessing to my Sister &
ye children, BrotE Franc. & Nancy joine with me in Service to yE
Self my sister & ym. I am &c.
We have been not a little
to my FatE. of ye misfortune wch. happened to you in your ankle, but as she
wrote then that it was mending so I hope before this it is perfectly well; I had
not written at this time, hoping to see you at ye Parke in a week or ten days
but to give notice of the Malt wch. will be at Congleton on Munday next &
[new page]
will be left at Robert Newton’s it is ready ground & I will seal it before
it goes, ye price is to be 1£. S. . 6d. wch. ye Carrier tells me is cheaper then
he could afford it were it not for ye ready Money, he sais it is as good as ever
he carried My FatE. gives his service to you & Blessing to my Sister &
ye children, BrotE Franc. & Nancy joine with me in Service to your
Self my sister & ym. I am &c.
Thomas Hollinshead to his brother-in-law, Mr Stanley, 23 September 1705
Thomas has heard that his brother-in-law has hurt his ankle, though understands it is improving and hopes it is now well.
Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family)
D231 M/B/8 [97]
Derbyshire Record Office
September 23 1705
Ashenhurst [Bradnop, Staffordshire, England]
[Alderley Park, Nether Alderley, Cheshire, England]
primary author
- apprehension
- hopeful
- worried
To Cite this Letter
Thomas Hollinshead to his brother-in-law, Mr Stanley, 23 September 1705, 2391705: Derbyshire Record Office, Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family), D231 M/B/8 [97]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.