1433 - Barbara Johnson to George William Johnson, 20 October 1773
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Dear Brother
I have just receiv’d Charles’ letter
but as it is doubtful whether he will not be gone
to Cambridge before this arrives at Wytham I will
direct it to you; he enquires how Game if you
send any should be directed to Mrs Williams. I
heard from her lately and she mentions having
sold her house in Kensington Square to Dr Hervey
Uncle to Lord Bristol, and she is at present in
Lodgings at Mrs Richard’s young Street Kensington
but intends to settle at Maidstone as soon as she
can meet with a house there, so I believe the
most secure way will be to direct anything for
her to be left at Mr Burchell’s Long-Acre
I wish you could send her some Game for I dare
say it would be very acceptable, and it would please
her to be taken notice of for her spirits are still
extremely low, and her health but indifferent.
Sukey Smyth desir’d when I wrote that I would
tell you they receiv’d three brace and half of
Partridges at Northampton in the Race-week
and thought themselves much oblig’d to you for them
I am very glad Charles has been so successful this year,
there are very few Birds about here. Robert has
had very good sport in Wiltshire, he is so well recover’d
of his lameness as to be able to walk eight or ten
miles a day a shooting, they return’d to Kenilworth
about a month ago, and have since than been to
stay a few days at Combe, Lord and Lady Craven
continue to go on very happily which I am glad of
Mr Moland came here again lately in his way
into Warwickshire, he is going to be married the
latter end of this month to Miss Fisher a
Warwickshire Lady who will probably have near
Twenty Thousand pound. Her Father don’t approve of the
match but I hope
reconcil’d to them, Moland is about taking a house
at Litchfield in order to settle there when he is married.
Mrs Smyth was prevail’d upon to stay here till
after the Goose-feast which was celebrated at
Astrop with great splendor, we went a Party of
nine from thence in the morning, and stay’d the
Dinner and the Ball, Lady Say treated the Company
with a Haunch of Venison at the ordinary, the
Room was quite crouded with Company at night and
we danc’d above thirty couple in two rows, we were
so fortunate to have a good moon to come home by,
I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Uthware there,
and Mrs Throckmorton and her two Daughters
who came with Lady Mary Eyre.
Mrs Smyth and Judy return’d to Winchester about
a fortnight ago they left Mary behind them who
continues here till she goes with Mrs Wodhull
to Winchester after Christmas, and from thence to
London. Mr Wodhull and Whitmore have agreed
upon another Walking Party to Winchester together
about new-years day; they are three days in
walking from hence, it is above fourscore miles.
I never knew such a terrible storm of Thunder
and Lightening as there was here last Sunday night
for above two hours, pray did it reach you? It was
very remarkable for this time of the year, there
was a woman at Banbury do frighten’d by it that
she dye’d in the night.
Mr Wodhull goes to London the beginning of
next month for about a fortnight.
Mr Neysey is in better health than he has been
a long time, it is a surprising recovery for in
the summer it was thought he could not live.
The Miss Fowlers and their mother talk of coming
here in December, they now live at Wimbledon
in the summer and are at London in the winter.
I have been walking three times round
the Plantation this morning which is four
miles and a half; Mr Wodhull proposes
I hope you enjoy this delightful weather and walk
a good deal it is so remarkably pleasant.
I shall be impatient
of Charles’ Fellowship, and beg he will let me
know immediately, pray give my Love to him if
he has not left Wytham before this arrives,
all here joyn in best Compts to you both.
Believe me Dear Brother,
your sincerely affect. Sister
B. Johnson
pray desire Charles to
mention how Lord Westmorland’s
state of health is now
George Wm Johnson Esqr
Wytham Hill
Stamford Mall
Dear Brother
I have just receiv’d Charles’ letter
but as it is doubtful whether he will not be gone
to Cambridge before this arrives at Wytham I will
direct it to you; he enquires how Game if you
send any should be directed to Mrs Williams. I
heard from her lately and she mentions having
sold her house in Kensington Square to Dr Hervey
Uncle to Lord Bristol, and she is at present in
Lodgings at Mrs Richard’s young Street Kensington
but intends to settle at Maidstone as soon as she
can meet with a house there, so I believe the
most secure way will be to direct anything for
her to be left at Mr Burchell’s Long-Acre
I wish you could send her some Game for I dare
say it would be very acceptable, and it would please
her to be taken notice of for her spirits are still
extremely low, and her health but indifferent.
Sukey Smyth desired when I wrote that I would
tell you they received three brace and half of
Partridges at Northampton in the Race-week
and thought themselves much obliged to you for them
I am very glad Charles has been so successful this year,
there are very few Birds about here. Robert has
had very good sport in Wiltshire, he is so well recovered
of his lameness as to be able to walk eight or ten
miles a day a shooting, they returned to Kenilworth
about a month ago, and have since than been to
stay a few days at Combe, Lord and Lady Craven
continue to go on very happily which I am glad of
Mr Moland came here again lately in his way
into Warwickshire, he is going to be married the
latter end of this month to Miss Fisher a
Warwickshire Lady who will probably have near
Twenty Thousand pound. Her Father don’t approve of the
match but I hope
reconciled to them, Moland is about taking a house
at Litchfield in order to settle there when he is married.
Mrs Smyth was prevailed upon to stay here till
after the Goose-feast which was celebrated at
Astrop with great splendour, we went a Party of
nine from thence in the morning, and stayed the
Dinner and the Ball, Lady Say treated the Company
with a Haunch of Venison at the ordinary, the
Room was quite crowded with Company at night and
we danced above thirty couple in two rows, we were
so fortunate to have a good moon to come home by,
I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Uthware there,
and Mrs Throckmorton and her two Daughters
who came with Lady Mary Eyre.
Mrs Smyth and Judy returned to Winchester about
a fortnight ago they left Mary behind them who
continues here till she goes with Mrs Wodhull
to Winchester after Christmas, and from thence to
London. Mr Wodhull and Whitmore have agreed
upon another Walking Party to Winchester together
about new-years day; they are three days in
walking from hence, it is above fourscore miles.
I never knew such a terrible storm of Thunder
and Lightening as there was here last Sunday night
for above two hours, pray did it reach you? It was
very remarkable for this time of the year, there
was a woman at Banbury do frightened by it that
she died in the night.
Mr Wodhull goes to London the beginning of
next month for about a fortnight.
Mr Neysey is in better health than he has been
a long time, it is a surprising recovery for in
the summer it was thought he could not live.
The Miss Fowlers and their mother talk of coming
here in December, they now live at Wimbledon
in the summer and are at London in the winter.
I have been walking three times round
the Plantation this morning which is four
miles and a half; Mr Wodhull proposes
I hope you enjoy this delightful weather and walk
a good deal it is so remarkably pleasant.
I shall be impatient
of Charles’ Fellowship, and beg he will let me
know immediately, pray give my Love to him if
he has not left Wytham before this arrives,
all here join in best Compts to you both.
Believe me Dear Brother,
your sincerely affect. Sister
B. Johnson
pray desire Charles to
mention how Lord Westmorland’s
state of health is now
George Wm Johnson Esqr
Wytham Hill
Stamford Mall
Barbara Johnson to George William Johnson, 20 October 1773
Discussion of how to send game to Mrs Williams and where in London she is currently lodging – they think a gift of game will cheer her up greatly because her spirits and her health are currently in a poor state. Charles and Robert have both had good shooting this season – Robert’s lameness has recovered and he is now able to walk eight or ten miles a day whilst shooting. Lord and Lady Craven continue happily. Barbara and company have attended a goose-feast, a dinner, and a ball, where they danced late into the night. Mr Wodhull and Mr Whitmore are going on a walking tour. They have had terrible thunder and lightning, and a woman reportedly died of fright. Mr Neysey is in better health – this is surprising because in the summer they did not think he would live. Barbara has been for a walk this morning and hopes they have been doing the same because the weather is pleasant. She asks that Charles will update her on the health of Lord Westmorland.
Johnson Family
MS. Don. c. 193 5
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Thenford, Northamptonshire [England]
Witham Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire [England]
primary author
- dancing
- dining
- eating
- exercise
- recreation
- travel
- walking
- happy
- hopeful
primary addressee
- gifting
- walking
- exercise
- incapacitated
- shooting
- walking
body - improving
To Cite this Letter
Barbara Johnson to George William Johnson, 20 October 1773, 20101773: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Johnson Family, MS. Don. c. 193 5
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.