1385 - Thomas Hollinshead to his sister Hampton, 16 January 1704

  • Transcription
  • Letter Details
  • People (3)
Ashenhurst January ye 16th 17034.
Dear Sister
I hope this will find my Sistr Stanley & all well at ye Parke
well, wch we should be glad to be assured of, I have little ma-
-teriall to write you; have here sent you 4S. wch I would
have you take no notice of at present; my Father gives his
Blessing to you Service to my Brother Stanley & Blessing to my
Sister yEself & ye Children; BrotE. Franc & Nance join
with me in Service to them & yE self I am &c.
Ashenhurst January ye 16th 17034.
Dear Sister
I hope this will find my Sister Stanley & all well at ye Parke
well, wch we should be glad to be assured of, I have little ma-
-terial to write you; have here sent you 4S. wch I would
have you take no notice of at present; my Father gives his
Blessing to you Service to my Brother Stanley & Blessing to my
Sister yEself & ye Children; BrotE. Franc & Nance join
with me in Service to them & yE self I am &c.

Thomas Hollinshead to his sister Hampton, 16 January 1704

Thomas send his sister some money and conveys his father’s good wishes to the family and their sister Stanley, who has recently given birth.

Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family)

D231 M/B/8 [44]

Derbyshire Record Office




January 16 1703/4

Ashenhurst [Bradnop, Staffordshire, England]

[Alderley Park, Nether Alderley, Cheshire, England]

  • enquiry
  • reporting

  • hopeful
  • neutral
  • religious

throughout (inconsistent)


Person: Thomas Hollinshead
View full details of Person: Thomas Hollinshead

primary author

  • gifting
  • writing

  • apprehension
  • hopeful
  • love (familial)


Person: Francis Hollinshead (snr)
View full details of Person: Francis Hollinshead (snr)


devotional practice

personal blessings


Person: Hampton Allen
View full details of Person: Hampton Allen

primary addressee
