1375 - Thomas Hollinshead to his father Francis Hollinshead, 17 November 1703
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Thomas Hollinshead to his father Francis Hollinshead, 17 November 1703
A long letter mostly concerned with Thomas’ reports to his father on a series of difficult conversations regarding business, ending with Thomas reporting that his Sister Hampton would like their father to write to Sister Stanley to excuse Hampton from Stanley’s lying-in, as this is the best time of year for her to be at home.
Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family)
D231 M/B/8 [34]
Derbyshire Record Office
November 17 1703
Ashenhurst [Bradnop, Staffordshire, England]
primary author
To Cite this Letter
Thomas Hollinshead to his father Francis Hollinshead, 17 November 1703, 17111703: Derbyshire Record Office, Hollinshead Letterbook (Okeover family), D231 M/B/8 [34]
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.