1351 - [Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3

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Image #1 of letter: [Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3

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Image #2 of letter: [Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3

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Image #3 of letter: [Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3

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Image #4 of letter: [Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3
My worthy and most Trew ffriend March 7: 1702/3

I Recd a Leter ffrom my son Edmund which the Last post which Brought

me the Ill news of yor misfortune in bringing your Answer ffor which I

am very mutch Trubld and Hartily {?sorry}: praying most Hartely to god

ffor yor safe {?Recoverey} {?obliging} a [illeg] or Two [deleted] of yor {?satisfaction} if here

I looke ffor a Leter ffrom yo young son by to morrow Poast in answer to

What I wright to Him on the [illeg] of yor Last Leter

I shall Trouble you with no bisniess at present only I have spoke with {?Sgt}

{?Lothers}[illeg] [illeg] [deleted] that tells the [illeg] [illeg] Letter

to Take money and [illeg] will to ffire to the [illeg] Apoth so that iff Mr Lother

and Sr Tho Hammer [illeg] fit [deleted] to a [illeg] ffor 1-£ ffor

This present years it will be very well: to praying to Almighty God ffor your

Recovery with Halth [deleted] to all yor ffamely to Have my Servis and ffrom

Sr yor faithfull ffriend and humble servant

[new page]

[change hand] For

M.r Thomas Herbert at his

House at Whittlebury near




By Towcester Bagg

[new page]

Thomas Herbert to Jonathan Jennings, 12 April 1703

My Ever Loveing and Trew ffriend: Aprill: 12: 1703

I sent you a Leter Last week conserning the {?shew/slow/slew}

{?was} dew to the {?fitness} of the Harvist and other

Hardshipps which I hope you Have {?Recd}

I have sent you 50£ more of the {?woodmony} by

The {?sayson} this week I Have Litell more to

Say at present butt give you and Mrs Jennings

Many Thanks ffor all yo.r kindness to me and

my son He presents His Servis to you and Mrs Jennings

and yor Sonns & hope you [damaged] to [illeg] by the next

Thatt yor {?sonne} is {?better} and Mrs Jennings and yor son

is Recovered of ther illnesses: I Have sent you a

{?shill/dish} of {?Balm} as a small Token and my wife shall

send Mrs Jennings a [illeg] of [illeg] {?Tonges}

[vertical left side]

Desiring that with [illeg] than those

Thay are no [illeg] in London

My wifes servis to you and Mrs Jennings

[new page]

[illeg] now I read yor Leter

dated the 10th Instant wherein

you {?think} I mistake you

conserning the {?ffer} wood butt I [illeg]

for I know you are as unwilling to

pay it as my self can: ffor I know

thay do not {?deserve} it although it be

Ther due and [illeg] not {?changing / charging} in

{?Whithous} [illeg] and not [illeg – w??d} in

Have a paared at this {?first} a ffor

the Have of the Contrary that did

mor fforitt in the {?falls / Salls}{ there That

Her wood was worth my Lord though {^are}

Hath given [illeg] the wood to ceapt

Kinder as the Honourary told me when

He Commanded it of mor [deleted] and

Halth now sent His man to me to

demand the same: thay all say thay will

serve it in kind and if so it will

Be worse ffor us then by 7 or {?} a

Yeare ffor there thay will a Lose nothing

to the charg of {?helping / having} in of the coppers

but [illeg] hath this the wood which

wass the {?unders} so urgent ffor that

which was [illeg] though to see to nott

[new page]

[change hand] For Thomas Harbert Bayliffe to his

Gce the Duke of Grafton



[change hand Edmund Herbert]

This Sertificatt {?are} that I

{?desire} its [illeg] I shall [illeg]

That gentleman and that you will

[illeg] [illeg] that thay do nott get

Are order to Receive it in kind


Aprill 12: 1703

This Leter [illeg]

To Mr Jennings

[vertical right side]

This Leter answerd

May ye 24 - 1687
My worthy and most True friend March 7: 1702/3

I Received a Letter from my son Edmund which the Last post which Brought

me the Ill news of your misfortune in bringing your Answer for which I

am very much Troubled and Heartily {?sorry}: praying most Heartily to god

for your safe {?Recovery} {?obliging} a [illeg] or Two [deleted] of your {?satisfaction} if here

I look for a Letter from your young son by to morrow Post in answer to

What I write to Him on the [illeg] of your Last Letter

I shall Trouble you with no business at present only I have spoke with {?Sgt}

{?Lothers}[illeg] [illeg] [deleted] that tells the [illeg] [illeg] Letter

to Take money and [illeg] will to fire to the [illeg] Apothecary so that if Mr Lother

and Sir Tho Hammer [illeg] fit [deleted] to a [illeg] for 1-£ for

This present years it will be very well: to praying to Almighty God for your

Recovery with Health [deleted] to all your family to Have my Service and from

Sir your faithful friend and humble servant

[new page]

[change hand] For

M.r Thomas Herbert at his

House at Whittlebury near




By Towcester Bag

[new page]

Thomas Herbert to Jonathan Jennings, 12 April 1703

My Ever Loving and True friend: April: 12: 1703

I sent you a Letter Last week concerning the {?shew/slow/slew}

{?was} due to the {?fitness} of the Harvest and other

Hardships which I hope you Have {?Received}

I have sent you 50£ more of the {?wood money} by

The {?sayson} this week I Have Little more to

Say at present but give you and Mrs Jennings

Many Thanks for all your kindness to me and

my son He presents His Service to you and Mrs Jennings

and your Sons & hope you [damaged] to [illeg] by the next

That your {?son} is {?better} and Mrs Jennings and your son

is Recovered of their illnesses: I Have sent you a

{?shill/dish} of {?Balm} as a small Token and my wife shall

send Mrs Jennings a [illeg] of [illeg] {?Tongues}

[vertical left side]

Desiring that with [illeg] than those

They are no [illeg] in London

My wife's service to you and Mrs Jennings

[new page]

[illeg] now I read your Letter

dated the 10th Instant wherein

you {?think} I mistake you

concerning the {?ffer} wood but I [illeg]

for I know you are as unwilling to

pay it as my self can: for I know

they do not {?deserve} it although it be

Their due and [illeg] not {?changing / charging} in

{?Whithous} [illeg] and not [illeg – w??d} in

Have appeared at this {?first} a for

the Have of the Contrary that did

more fforitt in the {?falls / Salls}{ there That

Her wood was worth my Lord though {^are}

Hath given [illeg] the wood to keep

Kinder as the Honorary told me when

He Commanded it of more [deleted] and

Hath now sent His man to me to

demand the same: they all say they will

serve it in kind and if so it will

Be worse for us then by 7 or {?} a

Year for there they will a Lose nothing

to the charge of {?helping / having} in of the coppers

but [illeg] hath this the wood which

was the {?unders} so urgent for that

which was [illeg] though to see to not

[new page]

[change hand] For Thomas Harbert Bailiff to his

Grace the Duke of Grafton



[change hand Edmund Herbert]

This Certificate {?are} that I

{?desire} its [illeg] I shall [illeg]

That gentleman and that you will

[illeg] [illeg] that they do not get

Are order to Receive it in kind


April 12: 1703

This Letter [illeg]

To Mr Jennings

[vertical right side]

This Letter answered

May ye 24 - 1687

[Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3

[partial transcription due to bad handwriting] He has heard the terrible news of Herbert's sorrow, and is praying heartily to God for his recovery, he will not trouble him with business at present only to provide some small details about the money [response is in letter 2900]

Herbert Family Papers


Huntington Library




March 7: 1702/3



Thomas Herbert at his House at Whittlebury near Towcester, Northamptonshire


Person: Thomas Herbert
View full details of Person: Thomas Herbert

primary addressee

  • gifting
  • work

  • health
  • recovery
  • unwell

  • affection
  • grateful



How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

[Jonathan Jennings] to Thomas Herbert, 7 March 1702/3, 731702: Huntington Library, Herbert Family Papers, HE9

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
