1319 - Johnathan Jennings to Thomas Herbert, 21 January 1702

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Image #1 of letter: Johnathan Jennings to Thomas Herbert, 21 January 1702

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Image #2 of letter: Johnathan Jennings to Thomas Herbert, 21 January 1702

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Image #3 of letter: Johnathan Jennings to Thomas Herbert, 21 January 1702
My good friend

London Janry: 21th: 1702

I Received your letter dated ye 11th Instant, and

aNother of ye 19th that on the 11th Came to my hands

by ye post before the other where it should Lye

I know not, I understand you Cant get Mr

Mountagues Certificate tell ye Keepers are pay’d

their useall sallerys I spoake to Sr Thomas Hanmer

about it and he ordered me to write to you if it be

the Keepers Wright to have it he would have you

pay it; if you have not money in your hands pay

it out of ye next wood sales and pray send up Mr

Mountagues Certificate as soon as possible you

can, I cant finde Cap.t Rider to signe ye other as

yet, if you here he is in the Country lett me know if

your next letter I have Nothing Else at present

but my Servise to you and to Mrs Herbert and your

two sons, and am:

Your most true friend and

Servant: Jo.n Jennings

[change hand] This is my Sonn Josephs


[change hand to Herbert]

{?and} to more Troublesom [damaged] I had sent you the acompts

Of the Last Salles butt I being willing to make what mony

I could I [illeg T???hed} a good quantity which moneys upon Truth

I cannot get {^all} up [deleted] yet How ever you shall Have the

Wood Book and the A Compt {?sealery} my wife and sons

Present ther servis to you and Mrs Jenings and to yor sons and dagher

and to [illeg d?th} yor Trew ffriend and humble servant

[vertical left side] Joseph writes

a very good Hand

January 25: 1702

This Leter returnd to Mr

In order to pay Sallry {?Reports}

[original hand] For

M.r Thomas Gerber tatt his

House att Whittlebury neer


Northton Shire

By Towcester Bagg

[new page]

Worthy and Dear Trew ffriend January 25: 1702

I recd yor Leter of 21st: Instant and Have sent

you [illeg] Mr Mountagues sirtificatt

ffor sallery [illeg fforistt]: as to the Keepers

a Lowances ffor looking to the underwoods

hath bin given them a Long Time

when the woods man in the [illeg down]

and I paid all a long Till now butt

Then Thay keept The {?seame} and

[illeg] out of chiging coppiss Till thay

[illeg] [illeg] our [illeg] [illeg] butt now thay

stood [deleted] the {?coppis} with [deleted] [illeg]

and could [illeg] the {?nextt} yeare After thay

are full which made grett [illeg]

Therefor I see no Reson why any money

Should be a Lowing to Any {?Coppis [illeg]} the

cannot present that [deleted] [illeg]

butt Mr Montagues keepers hath promisd

to be more carful ffor the feuter: There

master not a Lowing of Any [illeg] to be

dun in the cloase coppices: capt Rider

is not in this {?country/county}: and {?Chas} {?Chase}

writ to him ffrom this place [illeg] these

Leters to be Left att one Mrs Greenaways

In Lether{?shall} near Lether [damaged] [illeg]

Desier you would be [damaged] please to

[vertical left side]

to get the warrant as sown as you can possible ffor sevrall

Reasons I Have fformerly Told you: the {?Salles} are nott so

Big as thay ware Last year butt Lye ffarther distant
My good friend

London January: 21th: 1702

I Received your letter dated ye 11th Instant, and

another of ye 19th that on the 11th Came to my hands

by ye post before the other where it should Lie

I know not, I understand you Cant get Mr

Mountagues Certificate till ye Keepers are paid

their usual salaries I spoke to Sir Thomas Hanmer

about it and he ordered me to write to you if it be

the Keepers right to have it he would have you

pay it; if you have not money in your hands pay

it out of ye next wood sales and pray send up Mr

Mountague's Certificate as soon as possible you

can, I cant find Captain Rider to sign ye other as

yet, if you here he is in the Country let me know if

your next letter I have Nothing Else at present

but my Service to you and to Mrs Herbert and your

two sons, and am:

Your most true friend and

Servant: Jo.n Jennings

[change hand] This is my Son Josephs


[change hand to Herbert]

{?and} to more Troublesome [damaged] I had sent you the accounts

Of the Last Sales but I being willing to make what money

I could I [illeg T???hed} a good quantity which moneys upon Truth

I cannot get {^all} up [deleted] yet How ever you shall Have the

Wood Book and the Account {?sealery} my wife and sons

Present their service to you and Mrs Jennings and to yor sons and daughter

and to [illeg d?th} yor True friend and humble servant

[vertical left side] Joseph writes

a very good Hand

January 25: 1702

This Letter returned to Mr

In order to pay Salary {?Reports}

[original hand] For

M.r Thomas Gerber at his

House att Whittlebury near


Northton Shire

By Towcester Bagg

[new page]

Worthy and Dear True friend January 25: 1702

I received your Letter of 21st: Instant and Have sent

you [illeg] Mr Mountagues' certificate

for salary [illeg fforistt]: as to the Keepers

allowances for looking to the underwoods

hath been given them a Long Time

when the woods man in the [illeg down]

and I paid all along Till now but

Then They kept The {?seame} and

[illeg] out of chiging coppice Till they

[illeg] [illeg] our [illeg] [illeg] but now they

stood [deleted] the {?coppice} with [deleted] [illeg]

and could [illeg] the {?next} year After they

are full which made great [illeg]

Therefore I see no Reason why any money

Should be allowing to Any {?Coppice [illeg]} the

cannot present that [deleted] [illeg]

but Mr Montagues keepers hath promised

to be more carful for the future: There

master not allowing of Any [illeg] to be

dun in the close coppices: captain Rider

is not in this {?country/county}: and {?Chas} {?Chase}

wrote to him from this place [illeg] these

Letters to be Left at one Mrs Greenaways

In Lether{?shall} near Lether [damaged] [illeg]

Desire you would be [damaged] please to

[vertical left side]

to get the warrant as soon as you can possible for several

Reasons I Have formerly Told you: the {?Sales} are not so

Big as they were Last year but Lie farther distant

Johnathan Jennings to Thomas Herbert, 21 January 1702

[Partial transcription due to bad handwriting] Discussing work matters, and the difficulties of ensuring the keepers are paid their usual salaries, Herbert answers using the space on Jenning's letter, discussing estate management and coppicing concerns

Herbert Family Papers


Huntington Library




21 January 1702

[unknown] [?England]

[unknown] [?England]

Person: Thomas Herbert
View full details of Person: Thomas Herbert

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How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Johnathan Jennings to Thomas Herbert, 21 January 1702, 2111702: Huntington Library, Herbert Family Papers, HE19

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
