1318 - Thomas Herbert to [Jonathan Jennings], 6 December 1703

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Image #1 of letter: Thomas Herbert to [Jonathan Jennings], 6 December 1703

Image 2 of 2

Image #2 of letter: Thomas Herbert to [Jonathan Jennings], 6 December 1703
My worthy and {^only} Trew ffriend 8 Spember: 6: 1703

I Recd yor Leter of the 27th {?last} and Am glad to Heare

that neither the {?Lord} of grafton nor Sr Tho Hammer

will {^not} Have Any thing to do with [illeg] Ringer I Am {?sure}

thay Have Litell Reson ffor it conserning this [illeg] in this

{?country/county}: I {?upon/asure/impose} to {?heard} of {?fomerh} {?doing} {?soon/dun} with the

{?Funnell} Tempestus wind which was very {?dreadfull}

in this county not a Town nor villeg where it Hath

not dun a great deal of butt more in {?some} {?placis} than

in others butt no place excepted {?ffrom} its [illeg] I

my [illeg] {?house} Recd a {?comprisable} but of I {?thank}

god it Has no [illeg] [illeg] as many in this country

has by [illeg] of [illeg] and stables and Barns ffalling

upon them.

I hard last your {?the} a {?commpt} where John Archbold

My {?self} The [illeg] [illeg] the [illeg] {?patroll} grounds

To which a compt I will [illeg] to: not withstanding

The ffolk [illeg] a quittance ffor Halff a years Rent

Which I never [illeg] ffor I hath {Time I have

sent you a Leter of Mr Robington and a [illeg] to

this [illeg] a {?made} in distress So I would desier you

To will to Him to pay His a Rears or {?quit} my {?Lord}

[illeg] of grafton will put Him to Trouble a bout it

I will a sure you this is the only man I Have [illeg dispared]

With in Any a compt {?possibly} this 30 years and

I {?believe} more [illeg] than Any mistake ffor

When I {?left} my a compts with Mr Toppam in

{?June} 1695 when you was with me before I came

to London the [illeg] the Halff a Rent to be


I have had {?him} {?8} years with [illeg] [illeg] [illeg] [illeg] [illeg]

to go out with grafton grounds and to have {?Mr} {?Hawker}

ffor [illeg] [illeg] and Tell me {^he} hath a pointd ffrom

my Lord {?Earl} of grafton and Sr Tho Hammer; {?I}

paid [illeg] to Him I Told Him The [deleted]

{?Monday/money} must be {?Repaid} by [illeg] and shall

[illeg] their under {?Tenents} [illeg] very [illeg]

[vertical left side] I hear nothing more of {?Raph} Riley Tho Hadings in the [illeg] conserning

[illeg] [illeg] [illeg] [illeg] {?Butt / Bull} my servis so with my {?notiss} [deleted] with my [illeg]

To you and Mrs Jennings [illeg] [illeg] me be with [illeg] [illeg] praying always for your Helth {turn over

[new page]

[a series of numbers]

[change hand]

Postscript; Since ye great wind I have been at Grafton

where there is [deleted] {^a great deal of} damage done to ye {?liles/lilos}; but very

little to any thing else. I find One M.r W.m Rogdgers

has a mind to take part of Grafton Grounds, who was

formerly a Ten.t to part of y.m [deleted] He

has ye report of a very honest Man, & ye best workmn

in his calling, of any Man yt ever Came into Graft.

Grounds, since ye death of M.r Carter &c
My worthy and {^only} True friend 8 September: 6: 1703

I Received your Letter of the 27th {?last} and Am glad to Hear

that neither the {?Lord} of Grafton nor Sir Thomas Hammer

will {^not} Have Any thing to do with [illeg] Ringer I Am {?sure}

they Have Little Reason for it concerning this [illeg] in this

{?country/county}: I {?upon/asure/impose} to {?heard} of {?fomerh} {?doing} {?soon/dun} with the

{?Funnell} Tempestus wind which was very {?dreadful}

in this county not a Town nor village where it Hath

not done a great deal of but more in {?some} {?places} than

in others but no place excepted {?from} its [illeg] I

my [illeg] {?house} Received a {?comprisable} but of I {?thank}

god it Has no [illeg] [illeg] as many in this country

has by [illeg] of [illeg] and stables and Barns falling

upon them.

I heard last your {?the} a{?commpt} where John Archbold

My {?self} The [illeg] [illeg] the [illeg] {?patrol} grounds

To which account I will [illeg] to: notwithstanding

The folk [illeg] acquittance for Half a years Rent

Which I never [illeg] for I hath {Time I have

sent you a Letter of Mr Robington and a [illeg] to

this [illeg] a {?made} in distress So I would desire you

To will to Him to pay His arrears or {?quit} my {?Lord}

[illeg] of Grafton will put Him to Trouble about it

I will assure you this is the only man I Have [illeg - dispared]

With in Any account {?possibly} this 30 years and

I {?believe} more [illeg] than Any mistake for

When I {?left} my accounts with Mr Toppam in

{?June} 1695 when you was with me before I came

to London the [illeg] the Half a Rent to be


I have had {?him} {?8} years with [illeg] [illeg] [illeg] [illeg] [illeg]

to go out with Grafton grounds and to have {?Mr} {?Hawker}

for [illeg] [illeg] and Tell me {^he} hath appointed from

my Lord {?Earl} of Grafton and Sir Tho Hammer; {?I}

paid [illeg] to Him I Told Him The [deleted]

{?money} must be {?Repaid} by [illeg] and shall

[illeg] their under {?Tenents} [illeg] very [illeg]

[vertical left side] I hear nothing more of {?Raph} Riley Tho Hadings in the [illeg] concerning

[illeg] [illeg] [illeg] [illeg] {?But} my service so with my {?notice} [deleted] with my [illeg]

To you and Mrs Jennings [illeg] [illeg] me be with [illeg] [illeg] praying always for your Health {turn over

[new page]

[a series of numbers]

[change hand]

Postscript; Since ye great wind I have been at Grafton

where there is [deleted] {^a great deal of} damage done to ye {?liles/lilos}; but very

little to any thing else. I find One M.r W.m Rodgers

has a mind to take part of Grafton Grounds, who was

formerly a Tenant to part of them [deleted] He

has ye report of a very honest Man, & ye best workman

in his calling, of any Man that ever Came into Grafton

Grounds, since ye death of M.r Carter &c

Thomas Herbert to [Jonathan Jennings], 6 December 1703

[Partial transcription due to bad handwriting] He is glad to receive a letter, discussing the great wind which has caused damage throughout the country but expressing thanks that no one in this country has had barns falling upon them, discussing the rent and arrears of various tenants on the Grafton Estates

Herbert Family Papers


Huntington Library




6 December 1703

[?Grays Inn] [?London] [?England]

[unknown] [?England]

Person: Thomas Herbert
View full details of Person: Thomas Herbert

primary author

  • travel
  • work

  • fear
  • grateful




How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Thomas Herbert to [Jonathan Jennings], 6 December 1703, 6121703: Huntington Library, Herbert Family Papers, HE16

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
