1314 - Thomas Herbert to Jonathan Jennings, 14 September 1702
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I long to {?hear} of the {?Halth} of you and your ffamely
I Have Litle Bisness to a quaint you with att present
Hoping to see you there before winter {?comes} on
to {?ffastt}: only to Tell you the [illeg] are att
{?Hand} in the {?ffort} of grafton: and of them
Nothing {?ffrom} Mr {?Hawells} which {?made} {?men/me} in
{?Hope} you are to Have the {?place}: I {?desier} {^you} to
{?speke} with Mr {?Hawells} a bout the {?Receipts} and to
send me 340: {?Receipts} iff you have there by
you: I has no [illeg] Receipts the Last [illeg]
butt my son writes Them [deleted] I Have
as much Reson as Ever to {?Complain} of a [illeg]
sum in the [illeg] butt of friends no Remedy to be
Had: my servis to you to Mrs Jennings and to
All yor ffamely hoping to here of yor good [illeg health?]
And to see you Heare very shortly which all
Butt I talk of {?from} yor fahtifull Trew friend
And [illeg] Servant
[new page]
Septmber 14 1703
A copy of a Leter
To Mr Jennings
I long to {?hear} of the {?Health} of you and your family
I Have Little Business to acquaint you with at present
Hoping to see you there before winter {?comes} on
too {?fast}: only to Tell you the [illeg] are at
{?Hand} in the {?ffort} of Grafton: and of them
Nothing {?from} Mr {?Hawells} which {?made} {?me} in
{?Hope} you are to Have the {?place}: I {?desire} {^you} to
{?speak} with Mr {?Hawells} about the {?Receipts} and to
send me 340: {?Receipts} if you have there by
you: I has no [illeg] Receipts the Last [illeg]
but my son writes Them [deleted] I Have
as much Reason as Ever to {?Complain} of a [illeg]
sum in the [illeg] butt of friends no Remedy to be
Had: my service to you to Mrs Jennings and to
All your family hoping to hear of your good [illeg health?]
And to see you Hear very shortly which all
But I talk of {?from} your faithful True friend
And [illeg] Servant
[new page]
September 14 1703
A copy of a Letter
To Mr Jennings
Thomas Herbert to Jonathan Jennings, 14 September 1702
[Partial transcription due to bad handwriting] Enquiring after Jennings' family, as he has little business to acquaint him with, briefly discussing works in hand at Grafton and some payments that have been made, enquiring after Jennings and Mrs Jenning's health
Herbert Family Papers
Huntington Library
Septmber 14 1703
[unknown] [??England]
[unknown] [??England]
primary author
- travel
- visiting
- affection
- hopeful
To Cite this Letter
Thomas Herbert to Jonathan Jennings, 14 September 1702, 1491703: Huntington Library, Herbert Family Papers, HE13
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.