117 - Elizabeth Seddon to James Nicholson, 26 August 1739
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Mr James Nicholson
Dr. Lucius
I shu’d take it for a very great favour to have the
pleasure of a few lines from you, I think you have
repay’d me if I have been long in answering yours
fore time, but the favour of hearing from you now
will make amends for former omissions & let me hear
all the news you Can, & how all friends do, I have
taken the freedom to Inclose a letter to Sister In this
wch I doubt not you will be so good to get to them soon
because the shu’d send me things by the return of Carrier
I hope you have heard from Cozen Jack who when’t from
here on Thursday morning that he has got safe to Harigate
the are all tolarable here I am with respect your Sincer
friend & Humble Servt.
Boston Augr 26:th 1739.
Mr James Nicholson
Dr. Lucius
I shu’d take it for a very great favour to have the
pleasure of a few lines from you, I think you have
repay’d me if I have been long in answering yours
fore time, but the favour of hearing from you now
will make amends for former omissions & let me hear
all the news you Can, & how all friends do, I have
taken the freedom to Inclose a letter to Sister In this
wch I doubt not you will be so good to get to them soon
because the shu’d send me things by the return of Carrier
I hope you have heard from Cozen Jack who when’t from
here on Thursday morning that he has got safe to Harigate
the are all tolarable here I am with respect your Sincer
friend & Humble Servt.
Boston Augr 26:th 1739.