10 - Ann Thoresby to Ralph Thoresby, 22 Nov 1679
- Transcription
- Letter Details
- People (3)
- How to Cite
Mr Ralph Thoresby
in Leeds
Deare Cousin
I did not heare that you weare at home {^^til now} (which
did much perplex me) when that sudden stroke
from heaven came upon us, the Lord hath taken
the male out of our flock and a cheife piller out
of this Church a father to the fatherles a Husband to
the widdow a pease maker such Christ saith =
shall be blessed my deare deare Cousin your father
I know not how to lament our loss which is his
gaine but our wise father
he wil have us make use of Jesus Christ instead
of all, for councel for wisdom direction asstance for
support in all it is mercy he lived so long to bring
you up to get and preserve an estate for his Children
for the gospel and Church and the poore saints and to
leave a good report that we may remember him wth
comfort this is from the Lord who is wonderful in
counsel and excellent in working he was caireful both
for heaven and earth and therefore I hope he hath left a
will and direction good Cousin let me prevale wth
you to moderate your sorrow I heare you eat verry
little, be cairful of your health give not too much
way to sadnes least unconvenience come upon it
satan is lasie I can speak by exprience and besides
the comforth and bringing up of those two orphans
depend upon you the Lord give you a duble portion
of your fathers graces to carrie you through what
ever is before you and {^when} you have occation to com on
this side & besech you make the house where I am
your home to lodge a, and I wil promis the first time
Josie coms he shal lodge with you, I beg pardon and
desire to heare from you accept of this with my
unfained love I am your deare Ant
A Thoresby
Durham House
22: (79)
Mr Ralph Thoresby
in Leeds
Deare Cousin
I did not hear that you were at home {^til now (which
did much perplex me) when that sudden stroke
from heaven came upon us, the Lord hath taken
the male out of our flock and a chief pillar out
of this Church a father to the fatherless a Husband to
the widow a peace maker such Christ saith =
shall be blessed my dear dear Cousin your father
I know not how to lament our loss which is his
gaine but our wise father
he will have us make use of Jesus Christ instead
of all, for counsel for wisdom direction assistance for
support in all it is mercy he lived so long to bring
you up to get and preserve an estate for his Children
for the gospel and Church and the poor saints and to
leave a good report that we may remember him with
comfort this is from the Lord who is wonderful in
counsel and excellent in working he was careful both
for heaven and earth and therefore I hope he hath left a
will and direction good Cousin let me prevail with
you to moderate your sorrow I hear you eat very
little, be careful of your health give not too much
way to sadness least inconvenience come upon it
Satan is lazy I can speak by experience and besides
the comfort and bringing up of those two orphans
depend upon you the Lord give you a double portion
of your fathers graces to carry you through what
ever is before you and {^when} you have occasion to come on
this side & beseech you make the house where I am
your home to lodge, and I will promise the first time
Josie comes he shal lodge with you, I beg pardon and
desire to hear from you accept of this with my
unfeigned love I am your dear Aunt
A Thoresby
Durham House
22: (79)
Ann Thoresby to Ralph Thoresby, 22 Nov 1679
His cousin / aunt writes to him on his father’s death (possibly).
Thoresby, Ralph Papers
Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
Durham House, London [England]
Leeds [Yorkshire, England]
primary addressee
- grief
- love (familial)
- low
- sorrow
- distraction
- faith
- mind
- consolation
- regimen
- religion
at home
- god
- parenthood
primary author
- grief
- love (familial)
- low
- sorrow
- sympathy
To Cite this Letter
Ann Thoresby to Ralph Thoresby, 22 Nov 1679, 22111679: Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, Thoresby, Ralph Papers, YAS/MS6/7
To Cite this Edition
Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.