1 - Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746

  • Transcription
  • Letter Details
  • How to Cite

Image 1 of 4

Image #1 of letter: Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746

Image 2 of 4

Image #2 of letter: Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746

Image 3 of 4

Image #3 of letter: Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746

Image 4 of 4

Image #4 of letter: Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746
London May 31 1746

Dear Daughter
I Recvd a Letter from your father to Come Down by
Willm But Cannot Leve her Till a nurse come for
the other nurse leves her on Munday and she is so fearfull
she neather Dar Dress nor Underess the Child so if you Get
a nurse the Desier you wood send her up next week by
Jervis Waggon that the Child may be settled to the Brest
Before it comes Down your sister has but very Little
Milk {?Lest/Left} she had Come Down with it her selfe But
for Mr Cooper Coming his journey I put up some things
In a Box to Come Down by Willm and he promised to
Call for it and Did not so shall send them Down a Munday
there is Gutty Loy Silk it is a {?Tubey} for I could not
have a {?Decupe} under five and six pence or 8 pence
silks is so advanced and I had it for 6 shilings and it
will do her Twice the servis I had {^it} Cheaper because
it had too or three spots in it there is Coux Crowick
Lace it cost 6 and 6 pence per Yeard there is that
ould silk jacket of your sisters your grandmother
may make her a Cloak of it and there is sum thing
for Jackey give my Love to him and Tell him I cannot
get Time to write to him yet
[new page]
I desire you wood be as much in the Park
as you can to ceep all things as Esey as you
Can it is not out of Choise I stay But Cannot
Come Sooner your father is not Come to Town
nor did not say Whether he shud or no
Pleas to give my Deuty to mother and
Love to Mr Elliott and hope youl Excepte
the same from your Loving and Affectionat

Mother D Wright

Your Brother
And sister desiers
Their Respects to you
And all friends and
Beggs you Wood send a
Nurse as soon as possible
London May 31 1746

Dear Daughter
I Recvd a Letter from your father to Come Down by
William But Cannot Leave her Till a nurse come for
the other nurse leaves her on Monday and she is so fearful
she neither Dare Dress nor Undress the Child so if you Get
a nurse they Desire you would send her up next week by
Jervis’ Wagon that the Child may be settled to the Breast
Before it comes Down. Your sister has but very Little
Milk {?Lest/Left} she had Come Down with it her self. But
for Mr Cooper Coming his journey I put up some things
In a Box to Come Down by Willm and he promised to
Call for it and Did not, so shall send them Down on Monday.
There is Gutty Loy Silk it is a {?Tubey} for I could not
have a {?Decupe} under five and six pence or 8 pence.
Silks is so advanced and I had it for 6 shillings and it
will do her Twice the service. I had {^it} Cheaper because
it had too or three spots in it. There is Coux Crowick
Lace it cost 6 and 6 pence per Yard. There is that
old silk jacket of your sisters, your grandmother
may make her a Cloak of it and there is sum thing
for Jackey. Give my Love to him and Tell him I cannot
get Time to write to him yet
[new page]
I desire you would be as much in the Park
as you can to keep all things as Easy as you
Can. It is not out of Choice I stay But Cannot
Come Sooner. Your father is not Come to Town
nor did not say Whether he should or no.
Please to give my Duty to mother and
Love to Mr Elliott and hope you’ll Accept
the same from your Loving and Affectionate
Mother D Wright

Your Brother
And sister desires
Their Respects to you
And all friends and
Begs you Would send a
Nurse as soon as possible

Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746

Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, on finding a nurse for her granddaughter and the fears of her other daughter in caring for the child, the need to find a Nurse so that the child can travel as its mother has little milk, and advising her about exercise in the Park to ensure she remains well.

Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield

LD1576/1 [13]

Sheffield Archives




May 31 1746



[?Sheffield, ?Yorkshire, England]

How to Cite

To Cite this Letter

Dorothy Wright to Catherine Elliott, 31 May 1746, 3151746: Sheffield Archives, Hare and Elliott Families of Sheffield, LD1576/1 [13]

To Cite this Edition

Material Identities, Social Bodies: Embodiment in British Letters c.1680-1820. Compiled by: Karen Harvey, Helen Esfandiary, Sarah Fox, Emily Vine, University of Birmingham. Project funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2021-2025, Ref. RPG-2020-163), https://socialbodies.bham.ac.uk.
